Creepywave.gif ♡ |
Hello! Tonight Matt and I saw Paranormal Activity 2, since it was Bargain Tuesday at the movie theater, and tickets were six dollars. I really loved the first one, but Matt was hesitant to go see the second one because he didn't want it to be bad, like Blair Witch Project 2. I reeeally loved it, I just love those movies! I don't know if that is strange? I just really like the home movie style horror movies, movies about hauntings, and things that seem real. Also, I love the characters and think they are really quite funny and believable, not to mention their reactions seem totally real to me, which makes it even creepier.
Because you'll never sleep again. |
Other than that, I took some time to compile some images of nail deco and electronics deco that I like, for inspiration. I hope you all enjoy them, and I hope to do more compilations in the future!
I love the DSi sweet deco, it's so big! ♡ |
My favorites here are the ones with Mickey gloves. ♡ |
Credits for some of my images go to:
The rest were pulled off of Tumblr or other websites where there was no credit. If you know where I can give credit, please feel free to inform me!
I love this cute Korrilakkuma cupcake plush from Navi. ♡ |
I want to see Paranormal Activity 2 so bad, but the next movie I plan on seeing is Harry Potter.
Also, I love that Korrilakkuma Cupcake plush, that's so freaking cute! :)
I love that top-right deco'ed DS! I want a deco ds case so bad, but I'm afraid all the pieces would fall off right away cause I'm so clumsy.
I want those rainbow nails!
I love the phone/electronics decos! I was thinking of getting a deco'ed phone case for my new iphone, but I opted for one that will be a hand painted picture of my kitty instead. I still might get a cute sparkly one to switch out though!
You are so much braver than me, even the commercials and previews for scary movies give me nightmares. I guess I'm just a big wimp!
I didn't think Paranormal Activity 2 was that scary but it was a fun movie to watch. Definitely makes you jump, though.
Ahh I want to buy a clear case for my phone and just deco the hell out of it.
The top two and the one on the middle-left... TO DIE FOR! I wish I knew somebody that could teach me where to go and what to do to spiff my phone up like that.
I want to deco my phone so bad and bought all the stuff for it and the case I was going to use had a crack :( now I have to buy a new case to use.
I really want a ds to deco to...and well play with haha
Aw! I love Korilakkuma quite a bit; and various other cute little characters. I always get so happy when I find a plush doll of one with a sweet treat; or even better- as the sweet treat.
I haven't seen Paranormal Activity Two, but I'm curious to. I saw the first one, and I was dissapointed- but surprised by that fact! I adore horror movies, especially more realistic haunting stories, but I couldn't get into this one.
I'm glad that you had fun c: Have a good night!
I srsly want to deco everything I own! hahaha
Yeah, I liked PA2 more than the first, especially how they tied them together, but I hated how before something creepy would happen, there would be a low bass tone. I thought that made it too obvious when otherwise it would've been spooky and quite shocking when the pans fell or the cabinets all shot open!
Wow-what a cute blog! I added you to my blogroll♥ That cupcake plushie is adorable!! Well, hope you have a great night! Feel free to check out my blog sometime too: I think you would like my jewelry & accessories line!! :-)
-Michelle, StickyKitten
ho ho ho. hello pretty lady.
keep doing what you love :)
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